Emperor Senka (宣化天皇)

Emperor Senka (467-March 15, 539) was the 28th Emperor (whose reign lasted from January 14, 537 to March 15, 539).

The brother named Takeo Hiroku Koshitate no Mikoto ascended the throne at Hinokuma no Ihori Miya to govern the whole country. Later, he married two wives and had three sons and two daughters ("Kojiki" (The Records of Ancient Matters). Hinokuma no Ihori no miya was located in Takaichi-gun Nara Prefecture.

Another name
In "Kojiki," he was referred to as Takeo Hirokumi Oshitate no Mikoto.

In "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), he was referred to as Takeo Hirokuni Oshitate no Sumeramikoto.

Also in "Nihonshoki," his name was called Hinokuma no Takata no Miko.


He was the second son of Emperor Keitai. His mother was Owari no Menokohime, and he was Emperor Ankan's younger brother-uterine.

Imperial Palace
The imperial capital was Hinokuma no Iorino no Miya, present-day Hinokuma, Asuka-mura, Takaichi-gun, Nara Prefecture.

Achievement and Personality
When his predecessor, Emperor Ankan died, his brother Emperor Senka ascended the throne because Emperor Ankan had no children. He improved Miyake (Imperial-controlled territory) in Chikushi, and orderd OTOMO no kanamura to deliver reinforcements to Mimana which was being attacked by Silla. In 536, SOGA no Iname became Omi (a minister), which built the foundation of prosperity of SOGA clan which started from his son SOGA no Umako took over the position.

Since he ascended the throne at the age of 69, and reigned for a short period of three years or more, he didn't have major achievements. There is also a theory that Ankan and Senka era existed together with the era of Emperor Kinmei, who was the younger brother of them, ascended the throne shortly after the death of their father Emperor Keitai, but in any case, the bloodline of Emperor Senka was taken over until now though Ishihime no Miko.

It is said that he had a pure character and features of noble birth.

Imperial mausoleum
There is no mention of Emperor Senka's mausoleum in "Kojiki". According to "Nihonshoki," and "Engishiki," it was Musanotsuki Sakae no Misasagi. It was confirmed to be Toriya Misanzai tumulus located in Toriya-cho, Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture. It is a keyhole-shaped mound.

Descendant clan
His descendant clan was Tajihi clan, which flourished from the Asuka period to the early Heian period as a dominantly powerful family and a high-ranked aristocracy. One theory has it that NUKATA no Okimi, a poet of Manyoshu (The Anthology of Myriad Leaves) was said to be a great-great-granddaughter of Emperor Senka.

[Original Japanese]